10 Cat Breeds That Have Amazing Blue Eyes

Written By

Mathew Abraham

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Mathew Abraham

Meet Mathew, Cat Dad and Animal Advocate! Mathew is the editor at PawDown, overseeing content strategy and quality. He's in charge of carefully curating the best pet stories, tips, and advice for you.

cat with blue eyes
Magali Guimarães/Pexels

While most kittens are born with blue eyes, most cats develop pigmentation in their irises within the first six weeks of life, resulting in other eye colors. However, some breeds retain their enchanting blue eyes throughout adulthood. These cats, often belonging to pointed breeds or those with white coats, mesmerize everyone with their beauty and charm. If you are a feline admirer, let’s explore ten cat breeds known for their remarkable blue eyes.

1. Siamese

Marko Obrvan/Pexels

Siamese cats are one of the most iconic blue-eyed breeds. With their sleek physique and almond-shaped eyes, these cats are known for their beauty and sociable and vocal nature. Their pointed coat gives them distinct dark extremities. Siamese cats thrive in environments where they receive constant attention and enjoy interacting with their owners. These cats are loyal companions who will love to build a strong bond with you. Their talkative nature means they’ll let you know when they need affection or playtime, keeping you engaged throughout the day.

2. Ragdoll

Cássia Afini/Wikipedia

Ragdolls are famous for their large, captivating blue eyes and calm demeanor. These affectionate cats will enjoy following you around and are known to go limp when you pick them up, giving them their name. Their semi-longhaired coats add to their allure, making them soft companions perfect for cuddling. Ragdolls thrive in homes where they can be the center of attention and are excellent with children and other pets. Known for their relaxed attitude, Ragdolls rarely display aggression, which makes them a favorite among families.

3. Balinese


The Balinese cat, known as the long-haired version of the Siamese, features the same captivating deep blue eyes, complemented by a sleek, silky coat that adds to its graceful appearance. These cats have an agile build, making them graceful companions. Although they appear delicate, Balinese cats are intelligent and playful. They’d love to engage with you and be part of household activities. Due to their affectionate nature, they enjoy environments where they receive attention. Balinese cats are also known for their communication skills, frequently using their meows to interact with you and express their desires.

4. Birman

Alina Zahorulko/Pexels

Birmans, also called the Sacred Cats of Burma, are adored for their soft blue eyes and gentle nature. These cats feature long coats and distinctive white paws, adding to their appeal. Birmans are playful and affectionate, making them perfect companions if you have kids at home. They’ll love to interact with you and are known for their sweet, loyal personalities. While they can be vocal, their meows are softer than those of other breeds, making them a quieter addition to the household. Bring a Birman today if you need an affectionate blue-eyed feline companion.

5. Himalayan

Cindy See/Wikipedia

Himalayan cats combine the luxurious coat of the Persian with the pointed coloration of the Siamese, resulting in a striking appearance with vivid blue eyes. These cats are playful, affectionate, and love attention, making them wonderful companions. However, you need to take good care of their thick coats to prevent matting. Himalayans love environments where they can receive both mental stimulation and affection from you. If you fail to engage your feline partner, they may become bored and mischievous.

6. Snowshoe


Snowshoe cats, known for their charming white paws, are a delightful blend of the Siamese and American Shorthair breeds. These cats always have blue eyes, adding to their charm. Snowshoes are known for being lively, smart, and naturally curious. They enjoy being part of household activities and are less vocal than Siamese, though they’d still love interacting with you. Snowshoe cats require mental stimulation to prevent boredom and thrive in homes where they receive attention. Their gentle nature makes them excellent companions, especially if you have children or other pets.

7. Tonkinese


The Tonkinese cat, a cross between the Siamese and Burmese, boasts beautiful eyes ranging from blue to aqua. These cats are affectionate and playful and enjoy close interaction with their families. Tonkinese cats are less vocal than their Siamese relatives but still love expressing themselves through soft meows. They are also known for their acrobatic abilities, often jumping onto your shoulders. Their trusting and social nature makes them better suited for indoor life, as they may lack defensive instincts outdoors. Tonkinese cats bring joy and companionship to your home.

8. Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora
大 董/Pexels

Turkish Angoras are elegant cats known for their silky coats and expressive eyes, which can be blue, green, or even bicolor. Blue-eyed Turkish Angoras are particularly sought after for their beauty. These cats are affectionate and playful and would love to form strong bonds with you. They enjoy being part of household activities and flourish if you offer them plenty of attention. Turkish Angoras are intelligent and energetic, requiring stimulation to stay happy. Their friendly and outgoing nature makes them a joy to have around, whether playing or cuddling.

9. Ojos Azules

Ojos Azules

The Ojos Azules cat, which translates to “blue eyes” in Spanish, is a rare and unique breed celebrated for its strikingly deep blue eyes. Unlike many other blue-eyed breeds, Ojos Azules cats can have a variety of coat colors, though white patches are common. This breed emerged from a feral colony in New Mexico and continues to develop as a recognized breed. Similar to other cats on the list, your Ojos Azules would love to bond and interact with you. Due to their rarity, Ojos Azules cats are still being studied, but their striking eyes make them a captivating choice for feline lovers.

10. Persian


Persians, particularly white ones, often have mesmerizing blue eyes that complement their luxurious coats. These cats are known for their calm and gentle demeanor, making them ideal lap companions. Persians would love to spend time with you in a quiet, relaxed environment. However, their long coats require regular grooming to prevent tangles and matting. Persians are affectionate without being overly demanding, making them suitable pets if you are often busy. Their serene nature and soft purring make them perfect pets for those seeking a low-energy, loving companion.

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